1. News -

    Deep-dive analysis of experiences of 2,693 new mothers and birthing parents shows that six-week postnatal checks – required of GPs in England - are failing many new mothers.
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    This anniversary marks 10 years of Healthwatch. To mark this milestone, we're celebrating the contribution that you have made in improving health and care services in Milton Keynes.
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    We're working with the Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership on a project to improve how patients experience moving through different health and care services.
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    Maternity services at Milton Keynes University Hospital have been assessed as 'Good' by the Care Quality Commission (CQC for short). They have been rated as 'Outstanding' for leadership.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Pregnancy and trying to conceive can be a challenging, intense and daunting time. It's not all plain sailing, and women can feel particularly vulnerable during this time. Many women experience mental health difficulties, when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, and after the birth.
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    If you're diabetic and are thinking about getting pregnant, it's sensible to plan ahead to ensure you have a healthy, comfortable pregnancy.
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    Are you hoping to get pregnant, or could you have an unplanned pregnancy? We're running an independent survey to help our local NHS and Maternity Voices Partnership MK to understand the needs, challenges and aspirations of local women when it comes to pre-pregnancy health.
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    The rule would act as an extra safeguard for patients or their loved ones who want a second opinion about treatment options, particularly in the event of a suspected deterioration or serious concern on the part of a patient on a hospital ward, or their family or carer.
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    NHS patients who have been waiting the longest for treatment will be offered the opportunity to travel to a different hospital, if it means they could be seen sooner.
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    Around one in five GP visits are for non-medical problems. Many things that affect our health can’t be treated by doctors or medicine alone. This includes loneliness, money problems, housing, education or employment status. NHS social prescribing link workers can connect you to the right community groups and services to help support you.
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    With more and more appointments happening online, we've put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.
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    New HWE research shows that in the past year, access to primary care is the main concern for patients across England.
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    Many of us will need out-of-hours medical assistance, especially over the winter. Using NHS guidelines, we've put together some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    A new team at Milton Keynes University Hospital that combines professionals across health and social care, will now give residents increased support after a stay in hospital.
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    We carried out an Enter and View visit of Blakelands Hospital. Here are our findings and recommendations.
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    Recent BBC figures show that waiting times at Milton Keynes University Hospital are the longest in England.
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    Autistic people in Milton Keynes can now get a better understanding of what to expect from screening appointments and other common NHS experiences, thanks to videos produced by Autism Bedfordshire.
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    These are the projects and health issues that we'll be working on over the next 12 months.
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    The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.
  20. Advice and Information -

    Heavy periods can have a severe impact on daily life for many women.
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    Find out more about the women's health clinic available to some residents in Milton Keynes.