NHS Prescription charge rises to £9.35 from 1st April 2021

In England, the NHS prescription charge will increase from £9.15 to £9.35 per prescription item from 1st April 2021.
woman in pharmacy

In England, the NHS prescription charge will increase to £9.35 per prescription item from 1st April 2021.

Amendments to the National Health Service (Charges for Drugs and Appliances) Regulations have been laid before Parliament which will introduce changes for both the NHS prescription charge and prescription pre-payment certificates (PPCs).

The price of a three-month PPC will become £30.25 (an increase of 60 pence) and a 12-month PPC will be £108.10 (an increase of £2.20). PPCs offer savings for those needing four or more items in three months, or 12 or more items in a year.