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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is highlighting the ongoing impact of historic and current system pressures on mental health services, their staff and the people using them.
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    The MK Deal is a partnership of local health and care organisations, including Healthwatch Milton Keynes and the Integrated Care Partnership, who are coming together to influence and improve services in Milton Keynes.
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    New data from Healthwatch England shows a worrying increase in the number of people avoiding vital care. We're calling for urgent action from government and health and care services to ensure rising costs are not a barrier to healthcare.
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    Residents in Milton Keynes are set to benefit from quicker access to tests, checks and scans as two new CDCs are set to open in our area later this year.
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    ​​​​​​​A new system is in place for when your GP refers you to see any sort of specialist in a community or hospital-based service. 
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    You may have heard of Kooth, or know someone who is currently using their digital wellbeing support services.
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    Reflect is a new mental health support service specifically for young people across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.
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    The Maple Centre has opened at Milton Keynes University Hospital. This new facility has been designed to deliver an integrated approach to same-day emergency care.
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    Junior doctors in England (including Milton Keynes) will take industrial action beginning with a full 72-hour stoppage of work from today. Continuous strike action – day and night – will begin at 06.59am on Monday 13 March and continue through to 06.59am on Thursday 16 March.
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    This anniversary marks 10 years of Healthwatch. To mark this milestone, we're celebrating the contribution that you have made in improving health and care services in Milton Keynes.
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    There's a new prescription service in place for residents of Milton Keynes who currently have a stoma.
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    As soon as you find out you're pregnant, you can now start your antenatal care easily without booking a doctor's appointment.
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    We're working with the Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership on a project to improve how patients experience moving through different health and care services.
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    Here are our priorities for the people and communities of Milton Keynes for 2023-24.
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    The Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (ICB) have recently launched their 'long-term plan' which sets out how they intend to run our local health and care system over the next five years. 
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    Are you hoping to get pregnant, or could you have an unplanned pregnancy? We're running an independent survey to help our local NHS and Maternity Voices Partnership MK to understand the needs, challenges and aspirations of local women when it comes to pre-pregnancy health.
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    For three years, the Denny Review has investigated health-related inequalities in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK). The final report and recommendations have now been published.
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    Millions of eligible people will now be offered a COVID vaccine from 11 September, in line with the latest expert guidance on the new COVID variant.
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    The rule would act as an extra safeguard for patients or their loved ones who want a second opinion about treatment options, particularly in the event of a suspected deterioration or serious concern on the part of a patient on a hospital ward, or their family or carer.
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    New research from Healthwatch England shows worryingly low public confidence in being able to access NHS services. A third of adults in England lack confidence that they can access timely care, including GP services, mental health support and hospital care.
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    We explore the three main challenges people face accessing health and care services when they live alone with limited or no support.
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    "Supporting the community to live a longer, healthier, life." That's the plan from our NHS Integrated Care Board.
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    In August, we supported the Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership with a project to develop health and wellbeing services in ‘neighbourhoods’ across Milton Keynes that help us to live longer, healthier lives.
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    NHS patients who have been waiting the longest for treatment will be offered the opportunity to travel to a different hospital, if it means they could be seen sooner.
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    As a direct result of your feedback, Milton Keynes City Council’s Housing Team have made changes to their policy on Social Housing Allocation.
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    A new team at Milton Keynes University Hospital that combines professionals across health and social care, will now give residents increased support after a stay in hospital.