1. News -

    Check out HWMK's latest e-alerts for fortnightly updates on health and care.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    BLMK have published the first ICS Single Operating Plan, in response to the NHSE planning guidance published in February 2018
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Following a competitive tendering process, on 3rd May 2018 the BID services was re-awarded the contract to provide a Sensory Support Service to adults and children living in the borough of Milton Keynes.
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    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    AgeUK and P3 are delivering the social prescribing community referral service that can improve everyday living for people in Milton Keynes.
  14. Advice and Information -

    Choosing a care home can be daunting so it's important to have the right information. Find out more about your rights and how to complain if you are not happy.
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    National lockdown: Stay at Home. Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country. You must stay at home. The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.
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    We hosted a Covid-19 vaccination myth buster presentation to sort the fact from the fiction.
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    People aged 70 and over and the clinically extremely vulnerable to begin receiving invitations for vaccinations from today.
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    We have received a number of questions around the re-scheduling of the second dose of covid vaccination. Please read and share the important information below:
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    NHS launches a new campaign and website focused on mental health and wellbeing called "Every Mind Matters"
  20. Report -

    We carried out an Enter and View visit of Bletchley House care home in Milton Keynes. Here are our findings and recommendations.
  21. Response -

    NHS England has published local vaccination uptake data - Updated 29th January 2021
  22. Advice and Information -

    NHS doctors, nurses and other frontline staff have come forward to help reassure communities that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and have been independently tested to the highest standards.
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    People aged 70 and over who have not yet been vaccinated against COVID and who would like to be are today being asked to contact the NHS to arrange a jab.
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    A series of talks to explore how important it is, over our lifespan, to maintain well-balanced nutrition and hydration as well as regular physical and social activity in the older age, also known as the 'Five Pillars of Ageing Well'.
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    The Government sets out a National Roadmap to gradually ease the country out of the covid pandemic
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    Want to book a ride straight from your phone, get picked up in minutes, and get dropped off steps from your destination?
  27. Advice and Information -

    This weekend, 31 May 2021 is a bank holiday. Pharmacy opening times in Milton Keynes may be different than usual. Check what time your local pharmacy is open before you travel. (updated 26 May 2021)
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    The Government want to hear views on how women's health and wellbeing in England can be improved. Your response will help to shape the Government's strategy on women's health.

  29. Advice and Information -

    This week, 3 - 9 May 2021 is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week.
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    If you are struggling with your mental health, or someone you know is, please don't suffer in silence. Help is out there.
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    For so many of us, the last year has been tough on our mental health. We know that many people have struggled, and the impact of COVID has affected how people can access the support they need.
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    Cancer Education UK today launch their campaign for the NHS to increase funding for breast and other prosthetics following cancer treatment, in a range of skin tones.
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    From Monday 17 May, care home residents in England are able to have five named visitors for indoor visits.
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    Here's everything you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.
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    If you have worries and concerns about the COVID vaccine, information is available.
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    Healthwatch England has joined forces with Traverse to explore vaccination confidence among people from African, Bangladeshi, Caribbean and Pakistani backgrounds living in the UK.
  37. Response -

    Healthwatch England have joined forces with leading patient groups to respond to the Government's plans around GP data sharing.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care.
  39. Advice and Information -

    The Government has now indefinitely shelved their controversial GP data sharing scheme.
  40. Advice and Information -

    Advice and guidance on COVID testing, vaccines, symptoms and restrictions, translated into 21 different languages.
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    In partnership with Healthwatch England and National Voices, new findings from The King's Fund highlight the critical role of administration in how people experience care.
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    The move to more digitally-led healthcare has worked well for some but excluded others over the past year. Our report explores how people have been excluded and what needs to happen to get the care they need.
  43. Report -

    Welcome to our 2020-21 Annual Report. The last year has been unlike any other.
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    Thousands of people shared their experiences of the COVID-19 vaccine. Find out what you told us and how we made sure your views were heard.
  45. Report -

    YiS wanted to make sure that the services being offered to young people were aligned with what young people need and delivered in the way young people want.
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    NHS services across the UK have faced unprecedented pressures due to COVID.
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    Our latest e-alert contains all the latest Healthwatch Milton Keynes news, and information about local and national health and social care related issues.
  48. Advice and Information -

    The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our tips to looking after your wellbeing.