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    More than 1.2 million people in England have a learning disability and over 600,000 people are living with autism, a lifelong condition.
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    Care Quality Commission's report today shows 'perfect storm' brewing for people using mental health and learning disability services.
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    Welcome to our 2019/20 Annual Report. Every Healthwatch publishes their annual report on 30th June each year.
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    People often come to us when they are experiencing difficulties in accessing complex care pathways and need some help to navigate them. We heard from the mum of a young man with autism. Jake’s* autism means he has extreme hypersensitivity to pain.
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is highlighting the ongoing impact of historic and current system pressures on mental health services, their staff and the people using them.
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    Healthwatch England have set out recommendations for NHS decision makers across ten key areas, in their report, 'The public’s perspective: The state of health and social care'.
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    Following a competitive tendering process, on 3rd May 2018 the BID services was re-awarded the contract to provide a Sensory Support Service to adults and children living in the borough of Milton Keynes.
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    AgeUK and P3 are delivering the social prescribing community referral service that can improve everyday living for people in Milton Keynes.
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    In response to our report 'Gluten Free Prescribing', published in May 2019, Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group has made improvements to their communications around the changes to gluten free prescribing.
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    Safer MK has launched the annual Crime and Community Survey.
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    Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group would like to understand and hear your experiences of the healthcare services you have experienced during the coronavirus pandemic.
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    My Care Record enables health and care professionals to access information about
    you to improve your care.
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    National lockdown: Stay at Home. Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country. You must stay at home. The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.
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    Want to book a ride straight from your phone, get picked up in minutes, and get dropped off steps from your destination?
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    Cancer Education UK today launch their campaign for the NHS to increase funding for breast and other prosthetics following cancer treatment, in a range of skin tones.
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    In partnership with Healthwatch England and National Voices, new findings from The King's Fund highlight the critical role of administration in how people experience care.
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    NHS services across the UK have faced unprecedented pressures due to COVID.
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    Want to understand more about the NHS services available to you in Milton Keynes? These two patient information leaflets are a great place to start.
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    There is currently a global shortage of vials used for blood tests - and the NHS in England and Wales is advising of disruption to blood testing.
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    Our local clinical commissioning group (CCG) have merged with those in Luton and Bedfordshire. This will mean changes to some services.
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    Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning group (BLMK CCG) is inviting people to join a patient focus group to review Musculoskeletal (MSK) services.
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    A new community diagnostic centre is launching in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. You can help transform the way the NHS delivers life-saving tests by sharing your views
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    Find out what's in the Government's new social care plan and what it means for future care.
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    People aged 40 and over in England can now book their booster jab for three months after their second dose.
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    Government eases social care restrictions after success of booster jab roll out.
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    Millions of women in the UK go through the menopause each year, with the majority experiencing 'symptoms that can be severe and have a negative impact on everyday life'.
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    Boots have confirmed that two of their pharmacies in Milton Keynes will be closing permanently.
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    Check for any changes to pharmacy opening times in Milton Keynes over Easter, 15 -18 April.
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    Across England, all existing NHS clinical commissioning groups have now been replaced with statutory integrated care systems (ICSs).

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    Women and girls across England will hopefully benefit from improved healthcare following the publication of the first ever government-led Women’s Health Strategy for England today.
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    Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Health and Care Partnership is developing a strategy for digital health and care services, and they want to know what you think.
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    Members of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) will take industrial action on 15 and 20 December across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Read our response.